Learn about Maori culture and proverbs - book and journal - ★ special edition color images.

Cristiano Luchini (Author) - Curtis & Moore - Publishing.

Learn about Maori culture and proverbs . This book aims to introduce the inspiring fundamentals of Maori culture without any pretense of simplifying it. 

Just consider this text a gesture of love, respect and admiration towards a fascinating cultural universe rich in wisdom, a strong sense of community and harmony with the world.

You will find inside a rich descriptive section strongly focused on Maramataka, the Maori lunar calendar and accompanied by original illustrations. The many Māori proverbs included  in the book, will accompany you in the  the journal section.

Learn Māori Culture and Proverbs can become a pleasant space for reflection, celebrating ancient wisdom and cultural growth, with the firm awareness that losing the past means losing the future.

